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Thursday, April 19, 2007

What Are DISC Profiles? {And Free Sample Report}

I just rec'd an email requesting some info on DISC. Bill wants to do some assessments on himself and some employees. Why? What is trying to figure out or discover? Well, lets start with what is DISC?

DISC is an assessment. DISC helps you understand why you do what you do. It also helps you understand and appreciate others around you.

One of the strengths of doing a DISC profile is its ability to to describe a persons behavioral approach, work environment, how they like to be communicated to, their strengths and areas needing improvement.

For now, and to keep this short, I will give you the 4 basic behaviors and see if you can identify which one you might be. Having said that, we all have some of each in us, it's just that one tends to be more "you" than the others. You can be high or low in each of these areas.

This is an overview and by no means complete.

D= Dominance- Desires to attain goals. Decisive, Innovative, Positive and Strong

I= Influencer- Extroverted, Motivating, Expressive, Convincing, Upbeat, Sociable

S= Steadiness-Rigid, Systematic, Reluctant to change, Consistent, Composed, Relaxed

C= C0mpliant-meticulous, Precise, Quality driven, Accurate, Prudent, Diplomatic

That may be the shortest version of DISC you will ever see. I could write on this for days but I also like to keep things simple and to the point.

I am a "D" and that was my goal! Yea, I did it. Hit my goal.

Free Sample Report.

Now think about this, which one are you? Can you tell from the descriptions above?
Would you like a sample report showing you quite a bit more detail in a 14 page report?
Here it is http://www.super-solutions.com/p4-behavioral.asp You'll love this.

If you would like more help on this, blog your question here or call me 800- 803-4303 and ask for Austin.

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